One-liner to retrieve images running on Kubernetes, check them for arm64 compatibility.
One-liner to retrieve images running on Kubernetes, check them for arm64 compatibility.
Automated encrypted backups of Talos Linux etcd to AWS S3
How to backup Kubernetes PVCs to AWS S3 using client-side encryption with a CronJob
How to backup Kubernetes PVCs to Backblaze B2 using client-side encryption with a CronJob
How-to guide for a low cost, button-driven video player box using a Raspberry Pi
How-to guide to make a low cost, 3D-printed video player box with selector buttons
How-to guide on making a bootable Windows 10 USB drive on a Mac
How to guide for backup up a Mac over a network using Time Machine and a Linux box.
How to guide for Samba on Docker, inc. conversion from OS native/bare metal.
Rather than buy a dedicated breakout, it's straightforward to solder up a microSD connector
An introductory video for Thunor, a web application for high throughput cell proliferation analysis.